Logistics Management

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Management Course in Logistics

Logistics Management

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Most of us nowadays use the Courier service for varying reasons. Why ? We believe its fast, effective, safe & reaches on time. These are the core concerns for an individual, a company, an organization & a government.All of us have had at least one “bad experience” of our parcel / product not being delivered on time or lost or damaged. But that is only one in 1000 cases. If not for that, it just an amazing and incredible job which people from the logistics & supply chain management are doing to meet every hour deadlines of supply chain management.

Logistics Management Today International courier agencies like DHL, Blue Dart, etc.., National courier agencies, Transport Companies, Freight Service agencies, Shipping Industry, IT companies and various industries which have huge business, require trained & qualified professionals to handle their logistics.

Lets now look about what’s logistics & its demand.

What is logistics ?

Its about delivery of goods to the customer in the most reliable transit period (and preferably the shortest) possible. Its also involves the process of reverse flow of information like acknowledged, signed delivery records without which, in many cases, recovery of bills are virtually impossible. Especially so in the case of companies placing multi-location orders that could cover hundreds of cities. The task for the supplier is staggering – plan logistics for deliveries to all these locations, and hope for 100% of the delivery records to be returned before bills can be submitted to the customer. In most IT companies, the role of ‘logistics’ or ‘fulfillment’ is key.

Why is there a demand for logistics & supply chain management ?

  1. Growing demand on “ on time” & “ effective delivery of product”.
  2. Increasing E-commerce, online shopping, exports & imports along with client demands.
  3. Confidentiality, a strong security system that can cover country wide & international locations.
  4. Feedback at every point is mandatory because of the high-risk shipments 

Current trends

  1. Increase in e-commerce has reduce the costs.
  2. Increasing operations – national & internationals have increased profits.
  3. Growth is seen in every quarter because of MN C’s population increase.
  4. On time & end-to-end service with correct logistical data has become each company’s core policy.
  5. To offer more customer satisfaction more companies have separate logistics department.
  6. Advancement in logistics management is making this sector the most profitable business.
  7. Logistics have become a part and parcel of every small company. 

What does a course in logistics & supply chain management ?

It includes subjects related to handling data of processing / manufacturing with in the organization and then out to customers. It also takes care of different sections of supply chain management like materials purchase, management of transport, warehousing, packaging and materials handling for distribution, order processing, inventory management and certain elements of both purchasing and production. Supply chain consists of carious activities that take place between the initial supply of materials to final customers.

Eligibility :

Most of the course are Diploma’s offered for 10+2 / 12th pass students. Individuals who have industry experience in supervision & management can also take up the course. Post Graduate Courses are offered for Graduates (any stream)

Note : There are many online, correspondence courses both in India & abroad with “ hi valued” recognition’s. But one has to be very careful before selecting the course / module.

Courses on offer

Certificate, Diploma & PG Diploma courses. A list of few. 

  1. Certificate course in logistics Management.
  2. Diploma in Cargo & Courier Management.
  3. Diploma in logistics Management.
  4. PG Diploma in logistics & supply chain management

These include both class room & distance education programs.


  1. National Institute of Export Management, Chennai.
  2. Indian Institute of Material Management – Bangalore, Kolkata.
  3. Confederation of Indian Industries Institute of logistics.
  4. Indian Institute of Management – Indore ( PG Diploma )
  5. Center for logistics & Integrated Material Systems ( C-LAIMS ), Hyderabad.

Also many international institutes are there which require TOEFL & G R E qualifications

Personality requirements :

  1. Good skills of manpower handling.
  2. Ability to work under pressure, handling multiple tasks at a time.
  3. Ability to make easy & effective plans depending upon situations.
  4. Should take moral responsibility for operations. 

Job Prospects

After a course in logistics & supply chain management on can find good openings in

  1. International & National Courier, Cargo & Shipping Companies.
  2. Transport companies which handle shipments & customer deliveries.
  3. Government sectors like Railways & Road Transport Departments.
  4. MNC’ in various sectors which deal with multiple logistics.
  5. Self enterprise – setting up a firm to cater to local & national demands.

Originally Written by Mr. Ameen-E-Mudassar for the Milli Gazette, Dated On 16 January 2005