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Career Definitions – AUTOMOBILE

Career Definitions – AUTOMOBILE



Automobile engineering is a subject which deals with mobile vehicles the subject includes design. Testing and manufacturing of automobiles of all types. Including two wheeler, tractors, etc.

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Automobiles mechanics,often called automotive service technicians, repair and service automobiles and occasionally light trucks, such as vans and pickups with gasoline engines.

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Automobile engineering is a subject dealing with vehicles The subject also includes design testing and manufacturing of automobiles of all types, including two wheeler, tractors, etc.

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Automobiles technician, often called automotive mechanics repair and service automobiles and occasionally light trucks, such as vans and pickups, with gasoline engines. He has the ability to diagnose the source of the problem. A quickly and accurately. One of the mechanic’s most valuable skills requires good reasoning ability and a thorough knowledge of automobiles.

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Motor vehicle mechanic find out the cause and repair or replace the faulty parts. The work of a skilled mechanic is the ability to diagnose mechanical and electrical problems and to repair is a minimum time.A quick and accurate repair requires problem solving ability as well as a thorough knowledge of the equipment operation.

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Mechanics find the cause snag and repair or replace the faulty parts.The work of a skilled mechanic is his ability to find mechanical and electrical problems and to make repairs in a minimum of time.A quick and accurate fault finding needs problem solving ability and a thorough knowledge of the equipment’s operation.

Mechanics find the cause snag and repair or replace the faulty parts.The work of a skilled mechanic is his ability to find mechanical and electrical problems and to make repairs in a minimum of time.A quick and accurate fault finding needs problem solving ability and a thorough knowledge of the equipment’s operation.

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