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Career Definitions – DEMOGRAPHY

Career Definitions – Demography’s



Demography’s is the study of structure of human population (their distribution by age, sex, marital status etc.) and their dynamic aspects (birth, death, migratory movements etc)

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Demography is the study of structure of human population (their distribution by age, sex, marital status etc.) and their dynamic aspects (birth, death, migratory movements etc)

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Demography is the study of structure of human population (their distribution by age , sex , marital status etc.) and their dynamic aspects (birth, death, migratory movements etc)


Visual artists use an almost limitless varieties of methods and materials to communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings.They may use oils, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, magic markers, pen and ink, silkscreen, plaster, clay or any of the number of other media including computers, to create abstract works or images of objects, people, nature, topography or events.

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