Astronomy Careers

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Career in Astronomy

Astronomy Careers

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Does Stars, Planets & planetary systems excite you since you were a kid ?.. Does they still hold the same excitement and you’re just as inquisitive to know more about them when you first laid your eyes on them ? Then a career in Astronomy isn’t a bad choice for you. 

Astronomy Careers is the study of all celestial bodies. Everything up in the sky and far far away is to be studied. Their behaviors, patterns, their contents, their mass, everything is under the eye of an Astronomer. It’s a Pure science stream and Pure universal.

Astronomy Careers Job Profile

An career in Astronomy uses a wide range of telescopes, lenses and scientific tools in their study of the Universe and it’s contents. It would include the origin of the universe and origination of all its galaxies & stars.

An Astronomer’s work can be classified into two broad areas

  • Observational astronomy.
  • Theoretical astronomy.

Observational Astronomy is basically career in Astronomy

  • Analyzing data & testing theories.
  • Developing software to analyse the images captured by satellites.
  • Developing new instrumentation & maintaining existing equipment.
  • Collecting data from satellites & spacecraft using radio & optical telescopes.

Theoretical astronomy is career in Astronomy 

  • Making testing theories & observations.
  • Analyzing the results of past observations to develop new predictions.
  • creating complex computer models to develop theories on the physical happenings in the universe.
  • Analyzing data to help us develop our understanding of the events in the universe.

Skills/ Personality required 

The skill sets that an career in Astronomy has to have

  • Good Observational skills.
  • Great attention to detail.
  • Love for everything celestial & inquisitive.
  • ability to analyze problems & come out with solutions.
  • ability to produce scientific reports for publication.
  • patience & determination to see a project through completion.
  • ability to work with abstract ideas & do complex calculations.
  • A methodical & logical approach to work.
  • Strong IT skills.

Salary Packages

Astronomy is pretty good on the pay cheque. An Average pay cheque for an astronomer in India is anywhere from 40,000 I NR to 50,000 I NR. A Highly skilled & experienced astronomer can command 8 to 10 Lakhs / annul.

Employment Opportunities

Astronomers have always been in demand, since the universe is a mystery not easily solved.

The following areas have opportunities for an career in Astronomy

  • Research – Research scientists are employed by various research institutes & Govt. organizations for different academic grades in a range of research programs.
  • University Faculty – Vacancies in universities & colleges especially in Physics dept. for specialists in Physics & astronomy.
  • Industry – experience with sophisticated astronomical instrumentation & expertise gained in computer programming & handling data can serve as valuable assets to the industry.

How do I get there ??

  • A person needs to have proficiency in Physics & Mathematics at the under-graduate level and then to Astronomy & Astrophysics specialization later on.
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics are taught as special course in M.Sc programs within Physics dept. in various Universities & colleges.
  • An engineer with a B.E or B.Tech degree with a penchant for Astronomy & Astrophysics can also enter the field as a research scholar.