Banking Careers

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Banking Careers

Banking Careers

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Banking Careers – ‘Banker’ is a usually very broadly defined term pertaining to all the personnel working in a bank. These include administrative personnel, tellers, accounting personnel, secretarial personnel & maintenance staff. But we will be looking into the aspects which require a suitable qualification or an equivalent examination to be passed. These would define a Banker as mainly, Personal banker, Loan officer, branch manager & other management personnel Profile.

A job profile of a personal banker is basically to act as an intermediary between the customer & the bank for Banking Careers. Assisting a customer with whatever service he / she needs.

Services offered may include:-

  • Buying & redeeming of Certificate of deposits.
  • Loan or mortgage applications.
  • Depositing or withdrawal of funds.
  • checking account transactions.

The Nationalized banks hire candidates in positions as follows:-

  • Clerk.
  • Grade 1 officer.
  • Grade 2 officer or as a manager.

Banking Careers Skills sets 

Skills of a personal banker are, basically, he/she should be a people’s person, his/her temperament & nature should be friendly, A good speaker & listener, highly attentive,Good at number crunching, etc. So basically, A banker should have great communication skills & interactive & outgoing.

Job Prospects 

Banking jobs and Career in Banking, as the name implies are available at all the leading or multinational banks, rural banks etc. In addition to that, posts are available in Reserve Bank of India, Regional reserve banks etc.

The Nationalized banks recruit candidates through entrance exams. Whereas Private banks employ M B As & Chartered accountants through interviews directly.

Salary Packages

A Personal banker can earn a pay cheque of average 300,000 I NR / annul. Multinational and private banks are more generous with the pay checks ,whereas the perks in a nationalized bank are also good.