Beautician Career

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Career in Beautician

Beautician Career

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Beautician Career is fast catching up as serious business. Gone are the days when a beautician would mean working in a dingy parlor. Which she herself had set up with some local equipment and help of a carpenter for the cupboard etc. With the Beauty & skin care products industry having a turnover of millions of dollars in India. Making people look good is a multi million dollar industry in its own.

Beautician Career Job Profile 

There are a lot of specializations to choose from as a Beautician career

  • Beauty Therapy.
  • Make-up.
  • Massage.
  • Facials.
  • Manicure.
  • Pedicure.
  • Electrolysis.
  • Herbal Beauty care.

Other than these, A beautician can show her skills in some closely related fields as well. Such as,

  • Yoga & nature cure practitioner.
  • Beauty consultant.
  • Author or editor of beauty & fitness magazines.
  • Cosmetics sales-person.
  • Health club instructor.
  • Beauty Lab instructor.

Job Prospects 

Job prospects for a beautician range from Parlous to spas to Fashion to Movies to television to Advertising.

With everything going online, Websites & magazines pertaining to Beauty & Healthcare are the rage nowadays. A beautician can be a guest blogger or author articles on websites or magazines. Or can even teach the next wanna-be beauticians at the hordes of institutes offering beautician courses.

Salary Package 

A Beautician’s salary depends upon several factors, from the choice of field to the designation and work profile. But on average, A beautician’s salary may be anywhere from 10,000 I NR to 15,000 I NR. An experienced & well skilled beautician can command a salary multiple times to the aforementioned amount.