Career in Gemology

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Career in Gemology

Career in Gemology

[one_half]A[ads1][/one_half]Career in Gemology – Gems & Jewelry have been a very integral part of our society. They hold a lot of value & worth for fellow Indians. India especially is renowned around the world for its priceless Gems, jewelry & artifacts. To this day, Gems & jewelry is one of the largest foreign exchange earner in the country.

The Business of Gem & Jewelry designing in India is a multi-crore enterprise. This is one Career in Gemology profession which requires a lot of skill, precision and accuracy, as the differences are minute and even one tiny mistake can make a whole lot of difference.

Previously, It was confined to some families who had been in the business for centuries, designing and making jewelry. But now a days there are courses available for everyone to teach about the intricate profession i.e Gem & Jewellery designing.

We Indians have been using it as a status symbol, as an indicator of one’s net worth, as a Fashion statement etc. The sparkling stones have always fascinated us human beings, It is in our genes to see a Gemstone and to not be in awe of it.

Currently, This Industry is seeing a lot of attention and seen as a promising career option for anyone seeking an artistic, creative, and intricate profession.

Job Profile 

Gemology is the study of Gems and Precious stones using various scientific methods in Career in Gemology, such as 

  • Polishing and cutting of gems manufactured synthetically.
  • Identifying and testing of gemstones.
  • To find the source & origin of various precious metals & alloys.
  • ​Grading & appraising of Precious gems, metals & alloys.

Career in Gemology would incorporate the following steps 

  • Firstly, We would be categorizing the gems.
  • Secondly, We would be to know the terminology of gems.
  • ​Thirdly, We would be identifying the  gems based on their physical & optical properties.

Studies related to the field of Career in Gemology are 

  • Gem cutting.
  • Sorting.
  • grading.
  • valuation.
  • Identification of gems.
  • Computer pattern designing.
  • Jewellery making.
  • ​consultancy related to gemstones, etc.

Some of the duties of a gem & jewelry maker / Career in Gemology are as follows 

  • Handling of precious metals & Gemstones.
  • Deciding of Gemstone layouts.
  • To ensure creative & seamless designs.
  • To alter jewelry according to customer specifications.
  • To come up with new and imaginative designs and to sell and manage precious materials.

Designing and handling of Jewellery Career in Gemology is a very expensive and intricate work as Career in Gemology, where there is no scope for mistakes or errors. Hence, Computer Aided design software’s, Equipment to cut and polish gemstones are employed by Gem makers. A Gem & jewelry would be operating, handling and using these software’s & equipment.

Most of the work requires in Career in Gemology to observe and examine minute details. A Gem & Jewellery maker would be required to use specially designed and made jewelry magnifying glasses.

Skills Required 

  • To clearly understanding the drawings & design done by the jewelry designer.
  • He/ She should be precise when working with precious stones and jewels, Since each & every stone is of immense value.
  • To ensure no wastage of materials while making and cutting the gems and jewelry.
  • To be able to renovate, repair, modify a gemstone or jewelry as instructed.
  • To be able to work economically and efficiently.
  • To have knowledge and information about all other aspects of Jewellery making, designing and manufacturing, for example, Gem setting, Gem casting etc.
  • To be fully aware of all rules & regulations and policies set by the company & government.
  • His/ Her integrity & honesty should be intact.
  • He/ She should not be prone to allergies related to gemstone material or other chemicals and materials used to assist in making of Gemstones & Jewelries.
  • He/ She should have great communication skills, both listening and explaining should be crystal clear as a gem.
  • He/ She should have clear understanding of the designer’s ideas and views.
  • He/She should have an eye for detail
  • To be able to work with complete focus & concentration and to be highly dedicated to one’s profession.
  • To have artistic & creative skills.
  • He should have a wide & creative imagination.
  • ​Completely adept at using all the tools and equipment needed for one’s work.

Job Prospects 

  • Job opportunities for a Gem & Jewellery maker in India has seen a downturn in last couple of years, with other countries gaining momentum.
  • In this profession, A person’s skill, talent and years of experience is far more superior than any degree or qualification.
  • One can seek work in small scaled jewelry stores & repair shops and gain relevant experience and then attempt for a bigger store, company or even start independently.
  • The Prospects for a highly skilled and well-expertise maker are aplenty and one would find suitable work for themselves.

Salary Package 

  • A gem & jewelry maker working in a small store or industry in the beginning may expect a salary of 8,000 INR to 12,000 INR per month.
  • With relevant experience , one will be paid in amounts multiple to this.
  • One can experience significant leaps & bounds in one’s career as one’s work is appreciated by the clients.
  • The scope for imagination and money are abound.

How Do I get there ? 

  • There are both short & long term courses in Gem & Jewellery making.
  • National Institute of Fashion & Technology offers a 4 year degree course after passing of one’s 10+2.
  • NIFT conducts a written test, group discussion and a HR round for the entrance to the course.
  • ​There are various other institutions providing diploma, graduate & postgraduate courses.