Career in Mathematics

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Career in Mathematics

Career in Mathematics

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Career in Mathematics Have the works of Famous Mathematicians always amused you ??.. Are you well versed with the works of Famous mathematicians such as Srinivas ramanujan, Pythagoras, Euler ?..

If your favourite subject since school or even from later on , has been Mathematics ??.. Then a Career in Mathematics won’t be a bad choice for you.

Mathematics has been in existence since the thousands of years. The earliest subject since mankind’s existence is Mathematics. History is filled with great mathematicians who have shocked and stirred the whole world with their mathematical discoveries.

A career in Mathematics these days isn’t quite promising as other popular courses. But nevertheless, This field has not been unraveled as much as others in India. We are yet to make a drastic progress in the field of Mathematics

Job Profile

Well, This one’s quite an obvious description. As anyone working in the profile of a Mathematician would be either applying his/ her Mathematical skills to solve an issue or to accomplish some work. But it’s really not as simple as it sounds.A Theoretical mathematician move ahead in the subject and bring to the front new undiscovered axioms and there in identifying new and undiscovered relationships between already established laws of Maths.

An Applied Mathematician will make us of all the found theories and principles of theoretical mathematicians and solve the issues and problems which are inherent in today’s times.

These issues may be present in different sectors such as

  • Economics.
  • Medicine.
  • Engineering.
  • Social services, etc.

A branch of mathematics within the applied mathematics, which deals with deciphering and encrypting the information packages is known as ‘Cryptoanalysis’ and the Mathematicians are called  ‘Cryptoanalysts’ .

SKills required

  • Logical and Critical Reasoning ability is a must.
  • Must be able to deploy the right mathematical formulae and laws to solve the particular problem.
  • Ability to interpret, examine and analyse different types of mathematical problems.
  • Mathematicians should possess good communication skills.
  • Ability to explain the process of problem solving to their peers or generally explaining their work.
  • Applied mathematicians must have solid knowledge about the theoretical and basic mathematics.
  • Applied mathematicians must possess knowledge of different areas such as finance, geology, computer science, engineering, economics, Industrial management.
  • These days, both, theoretical and applied mathematicians, need to have good computer operating skills.

Salary Packages

  • In India, All jobs for a Mathematicians are in PUblic funded research institutions or universities, With the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission, the salary is nothing to be sniffed at.
  • The entry point is that of an Assistant Professor, who can expect to start at a monthly basic salary of Rs.30,000.
  • To this, add the dearness allowance (which has well crossed 502 per cent of the basic), transport allowance, and (if accommodation is not provided by the employer) a house rent allowance (which touches 30 per cent of the basic in the metros).
  • Thus, before tax, we arrive at something like 50,000 INR or more a month. This, unlike in industry, is not the ‘cost to company’ but what the employee actually gets.
  • Added to this are perquisites such as  health care, leave travel concession, aid to children’s education and employer’s contribution to the provident fund or the pension fund.
  • All in all, the salary package does guarantee a very good standard of living with all the necessities & comforts.

The candidate must meet the age criteria of 28 to 32 years.

Job Prospects

There are three kinds of institutions where a Mathematician in India can work in.

  1. Institutions of Research & Teaching – These don’t come under the University Grants Commission (UGC), but are established by acts of Parliament and some come under the ministry of human resource and development (HRD ministry). Examples- ISI, IITs, IISC, IISERs. etc.
  2. Central & State Universities – There are more number of state universities, hence more vacancies in State universities than Central Universities.
  3. Pure Research based Institutions- Some reputed institutions which come under this category are Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Harish Chandra Research Institute (HCRI) and Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc) etc.

Most of the jobs for Mathematicians are distributed within these institutions and the number of total vacancies in all of India are lesser than compared with other professions. But with the salary packages and perks make this a worthwhile profession, if one gets through the selection process, which differs from institution to institution.

How Do I get there ?

  • One needs to have passed 10+2 from Science stream with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics combination., which would make them eligible for B.Sc in Mathematics after which one needs to do a two year Master in Science in Mathematics followed by a doctoral programme.
  • The doctoral programme must be done in a research institution or recognised university.
  • Most of the institutions have set an age criteria of 28 to 32 years for entry level mathematicians.