Criminal Lawyer Career

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Career in Criminal Lawyer

Criminal Lawyer Career

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Criminal Lawyer Career can defined as a summation of all the principles which governs the behavior of people in society and violation of those principles is seen liable for punishment in the eyes of the law.

Criminal Lawyer Career is regulation of governmental actions such as imprisonment and fine etc, against acts which are perceived by the law to be harmful to the interests of the society.

It further encompasses two laws

  • Substantive Law.

  • Procedural Law.

Substantive Law defines which acts are punishable under the indian penal code. Procedural Law defines the manner in which the substantive law is brought into action.

Job Profile

The Practise of Criminal Lawyer Career is divided into two categories

  • Trial.

  • Appellate.

In Trial stage, The lawyer puts forth the case of her/his client by use of evidences gathered and cross-examination.

In Appellate stage, The lawyer tests if the applicable law has been correctly applied to the facts of the case.

Skills Required

  • Excellent Communication skills.

  • Strong Argumentative skills.

  • Quick responsiveness.

  • excellent authoritative leadership abilities.

  • To be able to think out-of-the-box.

  • Patience and quick in action.

  • Should keep an open, flexible mind.

  • Critical and analytical thinking.

  • unbiased judgments.

  • Highly Organized.

  • Ability to assess risks of a situation.

  • Talking straight and to the point.

  • Being fair, frank and truthful.

Salary Packages

  • Criminal Lawyer Career is less paying at the initial stage and the speed at which the career progresses is rather slow.
  • Being hired by well-established corporate firms will guarantee a boost in the pay cheque and a good work atmosphere, but as obvious as it is, it’s difficult to break through in a top legal firm.
  • The average salary for a fresh graduate hired by a small firm or assisting someone is around 5000 I NR to 15,000 I NR.

Job Prospects

As mentioned before, Practicing criminal law is not highly paying for everyone at the start and the career progression is relatively slow, Big reasons for young fresh graduates to opt for a different stream within law. Most of the students who opt for this stream has some influence or some family member already established in the field and the others pursue it out of their inner passion.

Since it deals with handling cases against criminals, Many women and the weak heated ones keep away from this stream. Safety is a big issue in this profession.

But those who enjoy a good fight (Argumentative), thrill, risks and serving humanity by getting the society rid of the law-breaking criminals, then this is the career they should be looking for.