Doctor Career

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Career in Doctor

Doctor Career

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Doctor Career has long been a dream career for any Indian students and more so, for their parents that their children be Doctors, wearing a white coat, with a stethoscope hanging from their proud necks, going about treating patients and gaining laurels and applauds from all nook and corner of the society.

It’s a matter of immense pride and honor for anyone to be a successful Doctor Career treating humans and saving human lives and why shouldn’t it be ? It is truly a Noble profession and it also keeps your bank account running smoothly.

Off late, Doctor Career in India have been facing criticism too. There are some issues plaguing the medical profession in India.

Corruption, Increasing deficit of trust between doctors & patients, etc are some of the issues being faced by the medical profession as a whole.

Hospital doctors mainly work in outpatient clinics and wards mainly in the public sector, but also in private sector.

Job Profile 

  • A Doctor Career would basically examine, diagnose and treat patients.
  • A doctor may further specialize in areas such as, cardiology, anesthesiology, pediatrics etc. or they may practice as a general physician also.

  • A Doctor Career would employ various examinations and tests to examine the cause of illness or trauma or disease or disorder and then based on the findings and the history of the illness or trauma.

  •  He would prescribe treatments and medications or even surgeries accordingly.

  • A General Physician is the most widely found and the one whom patients seek in any initial illness or disease.

  • He/ She then examine the illness and depending upon the disease and causes they would further decide whether they themselves could treat them or do they need be recommended for a specialist.

The most common specialized areas in Doctor Career are 

  1. Pediatrics.

  2. Psychiatry.

  3. General surgery.

  4. General medicine.

  5. Emergency medicine.

  6. Anesthesiology.

  7. Trauma & orthopedics.
  8. Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Apart from diagnosing and treating the patients in Doctor Career. They also work towards educating and spreading awareness in public to prevent spreading of various diseases and illnesses and to save the general public from getting afflicted by them.

Skills Required 

  • A doctor Career must and should be sincere about his work and must treat all his patients without any kind of discrimination or bias.

  • A doctor career should be emphatic towards his/ her patients.

  • A Doctor should have humility to know that he/ she too has limits and might have to seek help from others sometimes too.

  • A Doctor must be well-disciplined about is work.

  • doctor should know his duties and responsibilities towards the society and humanity in general.

  • A Doctor must have determination towards his work, and also Hard working.

  • He/ She should have the ability to handle pressure at times and deal with it with the respective type of temperament, whether phlegmatic or melancholic.

  • A doctor must always keep a rational approach and approach the problems in a logical way.

  • A doctor must have the ability to see a problem and devise the solution best suited for it.

  • A doctor must keep an open and inquiring mind.

  • A doctor must be always outspoken, friendly at times, and cheerful.

  • A pessimistic and rude doctor would seldom be welcomed by the people.

Salary Package 

  • A Fresher doctor after completing is/ her M B B S degree plus internship would get an average salary of 15,000 I NR to 20,000 I NR.

  • The Health ministry of India has announced a raise of 25 % hike in salary for those working in rural areas and 50 % hike for remote areas without even proper road facility to reach them.

  • One would earn fairly better in Private hospitals and dispensaries which may range from salaries ranging from 20,000 I NR to 30,000 I NR in highly reputed hospitals.

  • An M B B S doctor in an E S I hospital (Employee’s State Insurance) would be paid a salary of 21,000 I NR/ month.

Job Prospects 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), A minimum doctor to patient ratio of 1:1000 should be present. Meanwhile, In India, we have a doctor to patient ratio of 1:1700.

Currently we have approx 6 to 6.5 lakhs doctors in India, But to reach the stipulated ratio of 1:1000, we would need another 4 lakh doctors by 2020.

This gives us a rough idea about the demand for qualified doctors we have in India.

  • In India, Currently we have 387 Medical colleges.

  • 181 colleges in Government sector.

  • 206 colleges in Private sector.

  • India produces some odd 30,000 doctors, 30,000 AYUSH graduates, 18,000 specialists.

54,000 Nurses, 15,000 A N Ms/Health worker, 36,000 Pharmacists annually .

How Do I get there ?

There are four apex bodies that govern the medical practice in India

  • Pharmacy council of India (PCI).

  • Dental Council of India (DCI).

  • Medical Council of India (MCI).

  • National Board of Examination (NAT) board.

After completing one’s 12th Science (with Physics, Chemistry, Biology). 

One can apply for AIPMT (All India Pre-Medical Test) or UPCMET (UP Combined Medical Entrance Test).

For admission in Veterinary Sciences. 

One can apply for AIPVT (All India Pre-Veterinary Test).

Apart from these national tests. There are many State level and other medical entrance examinations for entrance into Medical or Veterinary colleges.