Forensic Science Careers

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Career in Forensic Science

Forensic Science Careers

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Forensic Science Careers Have you grown up reading crime novels and movies ?.. Have you always been intrigued & excited by crime novellas ?.. Do you have a penchant for details and if you’re not repelled by the sight of blood, bones and dead bodies ?.. Then a Forensic Science Careers may be the right career option for you.

Forensic Science Careers is basically the use and application of scientific techniques and technologies to uncover the true nature of a crime and to assist in crime investigation by helping in finding the clues and to unravel the mysteries of a crime.

A Forensic Science Careers is a profession based out of laboratory and extensive use of chemicals and lens and other chemical laboratory equipment.

Forensic Science Careers makes use of the available technology and physical science such as biology and chemistry to analyse the evidence found at the crime scene and to use that analysis in order to catch the criminal behind the committed crime and to bring him to justice.

Job Profile

This is one of the most suitable careers for an inquisitive & adventurous mind. Forensic Science Careers examine and analyse all evidences and clues found in & around the crime scene using the available technology, chemicals & equipment, and to bring the facts to the forefront and bring justice to the victim. The facts and evidences are then explained through a report and then the report, and evidences are forwarded to the judge, who then gives a final verdict accordingly.

Forensic Science Careers may work in one of the following three areas –

  • Chemistry – The examination of chemicals, paints etc, this includes accident reconstruction and fire investigation.
  • Biology – Examining minute traces of blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids etc. and also DNA testing
  • Drugs and Toxicology

To go in detail, Some of the tasks that a Forensic Scientist usually does are –

  • To analyse samples in the laboratory such as hair, body fluids, paint & drugs etc.
  • To examine a crime scene oneself and to investigate it .
  • To write a detailed and brief report to present in court.
  • To instruct the team members and other police officials on procedures for the specific case.
  • To analyse and interpret the results found and also the data retrieved from the computer scans etc.
  • To review and supervise the work of the assistants & to give proper feedback.
  • To research & develop new investigating and easier and simpler techniques.
  • To keep a record of all the evidences and findings of investigation safely for future reference.

To make use of techniques such as 

  1. Mass spectrometry.
  2. Infrared spectroscopy.
  3. Genetic fingerprinting.
  4. ​Gas & high performance liquid chromatography.

Skills required

  • To have a complete understanding of the use of forensic science within the boundaries of law.
  • To take precautions and care while handling evidences and clues.
  • They should have a great eye for detail and a keen sense of observation.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Good analytical skills.
  • Good at critical thinking & problem – solving techniques.
  • To be skilled enough to use all the relevant laboratory equipment for the purpose of investigating and finding the evidences accurately.
  • To be accurate in their findings & calculations.
  • Must possess a very inquisitive and enquiring mind.
  • Should possess highly developed observation & scientific skills.
  • To not be discriminating on any bar throughout the investigating process.
  • To be completely confident about one’s conclusions whenever it is questioned or challenged.
  • To inhabit patience and concentration.
  • Keeping one’s focus is also very important.
  • Ability to put in extra time & energy when the situation demands it.
  • ​They must possess the skill for deductive reasoning.

Salary Package

  • The Salary packages for state forensic departments managed by the government may offer a salary starting from 4,000 INR for fresher graduates.
  • The salary packages for postgraduate freshers may start from 6,000 INR to 8,000 INR. Private detective and investigative firms pay lucrative packages, but their hiring standards are interviews are also equally tough.
  • With enough experience and expertise in one’s field, A forensic scientist may command from 40,000 INR to 50,000 INR a month.

Job Prospects

The Job Prospects for a Forensic Science Careers are in the following systems 

  • Intelligence Bureau.
  • Law enforcement agencies.
  • Police enforcements.
  • Central Bureau of Intelligence (CBI).
  • Rehabilitation centers.
  • Juvenile institutions.
  • NGOs.
  • Crime Investigation Department (CID).
  • Army/ Defence.
  • Narcotics.
  • courts.
  • banks.

The prospects for a Forensic scientist / Forensic Science Careers are in different areas such as engineering, medicine, fingerprinting, insect study, Languages, Geology etc.

Crime scene investigation gives a wide range of opportunities for a Forensic Scientist 

  • prevention of contamination.
  • Locating and collecting relevant items of evidence.
  • Interpreting the evidence and to derive possible construction of the crime scene.
  • ​Security, etc.