Physicist Career

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Career in Physicist

Physicist Career

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Physicist Career – Physics is a fundamental branch of science, which has its use in various fields such as Science, technology, & engineering. Many careers strongly rely upon a Physics-related degree. Physicists from an early age are fascinated by the universe and its wonders. Studying, exploring and understanding the physical reality is the base work of any Physicist. 

If you’re good in Science and Maths and possess a logical thinking ability, then a Physicist Career would be a good choice for you. A Physicist’s findings and research act’s the scientific basis for developments in all kinds of technology from energy efficiency in satellites to communications to Astronomy.

Physicists study the world around us & uncover the laws that govern why and how the matter around us exists and behaves as it does.

Job Profile

A Physicist may work in one among the two areas 

  1. Theoretical Analysis – In order to explain the behaviors of all Physical matters and to make predictions, Theoretical Physicist develop ideas, using mathematical modelling techniques and computer simulations.
  2. Experimental applied & Pure Research – In order to test how well theories provide the relevant results, Experimental Physicists employ controlled experiments.

Depending on the area of expertise, A Physicist may find himself doing any or multiple of the following tasks 

  • developing Analytical equipment.
  • Exploring artificial intelligence & robotics.
  • Working in space exploration & satellite technology.
  • Development of new treatments & medical instruments.
  • In order to generate power, Physicists also investigate and discover new ways.
  • Teaching or tutoring in universities, colleges & schools.
  • Using the knowledge to work in Journalism, broadcasting or Publishing.
  • Forecasting of Climate.

Skills Required

  • One must have an innate interest in Scientific Phenomena.
  • Excellent communication skills are also important.
  • Must be able to write appropriate and easy to understand reports.
  • Must be willing to work in a flexible work environment and also adaptable to change.
  • Should be able to work well within a team setup i.e Good Team-working ability.
  • Good Project management skills are also essential.
  • A Good understanding of computer packages and statistics is also very useful in this profession.
  • Must possess a methodical approach to work, with high level of accuracy.
  • Clear and logical thinking ability will help a long way in this field.
  • Problem solving skills are a great asset.
  • Problem discernment – ability to simplify the complex is also a useful asset.
  • Product Orientation skills are also necessary.
  • Must possess an inquiring mind.
  • Willingness to learn, explore and delve oneself into the unknown spaces of Physical reality would be a useful skill set

Salary Package

A Physicist’s salary package depends upon the field he/ she has opted to work in and also the position he/ she is into. But we can say that as an average ,through all starting positions, a Physicist may earn anywhere between 15,000 INR to 90,000 INR a month.

Physicist Career Job Prospects

A Physicist may work in any of the following positions, such as 

  • Electrical Engineer
  • Optics & laser technician
  • Space Physicist
  • Medical Physicist
  • Nuclear Physicist.
  • Plasma particle technician.
  • Cosmologist.
  • Computational Physicist.
  • Atomic & Molecular technician.
  • Astrophysicist.
  • Applied Physicist.
  • Nano-technologist.
  • Instrumentation & Measurement technician.
  • Astronomist.
  • Aerospace & aviation scientist.
  • Radiation protection advisor.
  • Scientific Laboratory technician.
  • Research Scientist.

The Job prospects for a Physicist are bountiful & plenty, Since Physics being the fundamental of all scientific inventions. Physicists may also find employment in academics, in teaching and Govt. Research institutions or Organizations. Apart from these, many industries such as engineering, Oil & gas, Telecommunications, Space exploration, aerospace etc.

How Do I get there ?

  • After passing one’s 12th science stream with Physics, chemistry & Maths, A candidate can opt for a Bachelor in Science degree (B.Sc).
  • Or else, He/ she can join B.E/ B.Tech in any relative stream.
  • Both the courses would give the candidate the eligibility to opt for a master’s program in Physics and then a research program.
  • The duration of B.Sc in Physics course is 3 years
  • the duration of B.E/B.Tech course is normally 4 years.