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A Career in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering is one of the most sought after engineering course in the country. It has immense potential and increasingly exciting future prospects. Electrical and Electronic engineering is broadly known as electrical power engineering & electronic engineering. Electrical and electronics engineers are involved in a variety of technology ranging from  global positioning systems which can pinpoint the location of a moving vehicle to huge electrical power generators. These engineers are responsible for designing, developing, testing and supervising the production of electrical and electronic equipment and machinery. Broadcast and telecommunication systems, power generation, controls of machinery, lights and wiring in building complexes, vehicles,  electric motors, radar and navigation systems, aircraft, control and transmission devices which are used by electric utilities are all examples of equipment built by Electrical and Electronic engineers. They may also work in fields which relate to computers and IT.


Electrical and electronics engineers may choose to specialize in different areas such as communications, power generation, transmission and distribution, manufacture of electrical equipment etc or one particular specialty within these areas for e.g. industrial robot control systems or aviation electronics. These engineers are involved in designing new products, writing requirements for their performance, as well as developing maintenance schedules and charts. Testing equipment, estimating time and cost of electrical and electronic product and machinery, solving operational problems also come under their job.



Opportunities for employment are readily available in public sector companies & enterprises dealing with design, manufacture and application of electronic devices & equipment,   communication systems, radio & television radar & navigational aids, process control computer hardware & software etc. At IIT Bombay, Delhi & Kanpur there is a unified course covering both the disciplines. But in IIT Kharagpur, Madras & IT-BHU at Varanasi separate courses for the two disciplines are available.

Electrical Engineering covers traditional areas like distribution and transmission of electricity, generation, as well as new age applications in electronics ranging from telecommunications to microprocessors. Thus most courses will combine electrical and electronic systems. The course is closely linked with computation and neural systems, applied physics, computer science and applied dynamic systems. It offers students the opportunity to study, both theoretical and experimental, in a wide variety of subjects, including wireless systems, solid state materials and devices, quantum electronics, modern optics, control theory, signal processing, power electronics, data compression and communications. New areas include Neuro Fuzzy approaches to Engineering system applications, Biomedical instrumentation, Analysis of digital systems etc.


Skills Required

The most essential skills needed by Electrical and Electronics Engineers are:

  • Numeracy
  • Oral Communication
  • Critical Thinking


About the Course

For an Electrical engineer, the academic programme lays stress on a deep understanding of electrical networks and devices of electromagnetic field theory, electrical energy converters and electrical energy distribution systems. For an electronics or communication engineer the BE/B.Tech programme focuses on electronic network and devices, subjects such as electromagnetic field theory, computer fundamentals as also their protection, communication and control systems are integral to the course.

Core Subjects of the course:

Circuit Theory

Electrical Machines theory

Electrical machines drawing

Basic electronics

Electrical installations

Electrical instruments and materials

Power Engineering

Switch gears and protection

Electrical lighting


Electrical control system

Non conventional energy



Eligibility for B.Tech/B.E courses is 10 + 2 with Science. Selection will be based on your marks in science in the +2 examination coupled with your score in a state based CET Examination which would give you a specific rank and depending on the rank colleges admit you. Duration of the course is 4 years.




Job Prospects

Almost every industry utilizes electrical engineers, so employment opportunities are extensive. The work of electrical engineers can be seen in the microwave ovens in our homes to the numerically controlled machines used by manufacturing companies. Electrical Engineering opens up career options in a wide range of areas. They may enter the fields of electronics, communications, computers, robotics, biomedical electronics and signal processing, industrial process control, transportation, energy operation and distribution, and electro-mechanical energy conversion. Many electrical and computer engineering graduates also pursue careers in manufacturing and resource industries like the chemical, pulp and paper, food, automobile and aircraft industries.