Event Management

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Management Course in Event

Event Management

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Event Management is a program, function, seminar, exhibition, show, award ceremony, marriage or even a family party. Events happen day in and out. Every day there is a show, a concert , an exhibition going on in each and every corner of this world. Every individual might not attend all of them but will sure attend the event which attracts him /  her the most. To have a show, seminar, exhibition, etc. is no child’s play.

Event Management has all of us have sometime in life had the responsibility of conducting a school quiz program or a college debate. Some of us have also experienced situations when the microphone does not work or the lights go off or the entire program flops due to small mistakes. How do we feel ? Embarrassed, humiliated ? Today events outside schools & colleges, are more involving the general public. It’s a matter of prestige & credibility that an event is organized very smoothly & effectively.

We need to take care of Com-peering the event, Preparing the speech, inviting the guests, managing event personnel, Media Study, Analyzing Merits , Costs and Budgets available, Advertisements , Reporting and Review, Press Releases, Press Conferences, Contests and Demos, Event marketing, Accounts, Returns, flow of cash, Post event activities and much more.

If not for Event Management personnel, we would have never seen the Cricket Match Presentation Ceremony or the Film Awards Ceremony or the Swearing in Ceremony of our “ Ministers” so smooth, glamorous & interesting.

Let’s now have a quick look about a career in Event Management

Current trends in Event Management

  1. Event Management is a multi-million dollar industry with mega shows, and events increasing every day.
  2. Private functions like marriages and birthday parties have become important social matters, and have to be professionally managed. Each individual wants it to be a memorable “event”.
  3. The spurt in the meetings of MN C’s, product launches, increasing glamour, star presence (cricketers, politicians, film personnel ) has made events a matter of class and style.
  4. Recent trends tell us that this industry is over 600 crores and the end of 2005 its expected to grow to 3500 crore (according to F ICC I).
  5. Current trends prove one simple statement “ Make hay when the sun shines”.

What does a course in Event Management include ?

Event Management includes Organizational skills like Event Team Leadership & Event Marketing, Technical Knowledge, P.R., Advertising, logistics (includes Sound, Lights, Catering, Law, Sponsorships etc.), decoration, human relations, study of law and licenses, Crisis & Risk management, Budgeting, Study of allied like television and other medias and several other areas.

Eligibility :

A minimum of pass in +12th. With good knowledge of English. Being a Graduate is required for admissions in the elite colleges ( viz.. IIM’s , IIEM, etc. )

Courses on offer

  1. Certificate Course in Event Management (CEM).
  2. Diploma in Event Management (DEM).
  3. Post-Graduate Diploma in Event Management (PGDEM).

Note : Most of the courses are part time. Classes are generally held during evenings.

Practical Training

Most of the institutes offer Students practical training by giving them Live projects which include all kinds of small and large events. This makes a student exposed to high cost National & International events.

Personality requirements :

  1. Good Communication & Interpersonal skills.
  2. Organizational skills, Basics of P.R.
  3. Patience, Perseverance, endurance & above all Handwork.
  4. Ability to lead a team & get the work done.
  5. Mathematical, logical & analytical skills.


  1. Amity Institute of Event Management, New Delhi.
  2. Event Management Development Institute, IES Management College, Mumbai.
  3. Indian Institute of Event Management, Mumbai.
  4. Indian Institute of Management, New-Delhi.
  5. International Center for Event Marketing, New Delhi-110 016.
  6. International Institute of Event Management, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai.
  7. National Institute of Event Management,Mumbai.
  8. Department of Adult & Continuing Education and Extension, University of Mumbai, Mumbai 

Note : National Institute of Event Management, Mumbai offers Diploma in International Event Management in affiliation with “Regency Institute (Australia)”. 

International Institutes.

  1. Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, New Zealand.
  2. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, 425, University Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5143 USA.
  3. Southern Oregon University, UK,1250 siskiyou Boulevard, Ash-land, or 97520.
  4. The George Washington University, 2121 Eye Street, NW Washington, DC 20052.
  5. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas.
  6. University of San Diego, 5998 Alcalapark, San Diego, CA 92110-2492.

Job Prospects

Alhamdulillah one can find good openings in

  1. Event Management (local, National & International events).
  2. Public Relations (Govt as well as private sector).
  3. Mass Media (Journalism, TV & radio shows).
  4. Other sectors like (Customer service – Call centers, BPO’s, MNC’s .

The need of the hour.

Being a population of over 13 crore people in this country, we have innumerable of community workshops, lectures, conferences, exhibitions which highlight our perspectives & our concerns. Lets question ourselves.

  • Are they organized smoothly & effectively ?
  • Do we find professionalism in these events ?
  • Does the media highlight these events ?

NO ! So. We need to have professionals from our community who with an inclination to our values and traditions can organize some of the best MUSLIM events that happen in India. ( like AIMPLB conferences, conventions like AFMI conventions, PEACE Exhibition, Public debates etc…. ) according to international standards but with our culture.

Originally Written by Mr. Ameen-E-Mudassar for the Milli Gazette, Dated On 1 January 2005.