Naturopathic Medicine

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Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences

Naturopathic Medicine

[one_half][ads1][/one_half]Nature is pure. Its clean. All of us have a day-to-day relationship with the elements of nature – Earth, Water, Air & Fire. We are more & more involved with these elements in almost all aspects of life. But can these be also the providers of an medical solution ?? Can they give us cure from diseases ? Can these be the elements / objects who “we never care” but  “they can cure us”.All these answers come from the practioners of Naturopathy / Naturopathic Medicine, one of the leading Alternative systems of Medicine worldwide. 

Naturopathic Medicine Introduction :

Naturopathy is a system of healing science stimulating the body’s inherent power to regain health with the help of five great elements of nature – Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether. Naturopathy is a call to “Return to Nature” and to resort to simple way of living in harmony with the self, society and environment.

Naturopathic Medicine Origin of Naturotherapy

Nature Cure movement started in Germany & other western countries with “Water cure” (Hydrotherapy). The credit of making Water cure world famous goes to Vincent Priessnitz (1799-1851) who was a farmer and is the “Father of Naturopathy”. The word “Naturopathy” was coined by Dr. John Scheel in the year 1895. Our “Father of the Nation” – Mahatma Gandhi was very interested in naturopathy & established a Nature Cure Hospital in Uruli Kanchan, Distt. Poona, Maharashtra which is still functioning.

Concept : (According to the initiators & practitioners of Naturopathy )

The whole practice of Nature cure based on the following three principles:

  1. Accumulation of morbid matter.
  2. Abnormal composition of blood and lymph.
  3. Lowered vitality.

Naturopathy Therapies:

  1. Water Therapy : It is employed in different forms in treatment and produces several types of physiological effects depending upon temperature and duration. Hydrotherapy is employed in almost all types of disease conditions.
  2. Air Therapy : Air therapy is employed in different pressures and temperatures in variety of disease conditions.
  3. Fire Therapy : In Fire therapy, different temperatures are employed through different heating techniques to produce different specific effects.
  4. Space Therapy : Congestion causes disease. Fasting is the best therapy to relieve congestion of body and mind.
  5. Mud Therapy : Mud absorbs, dissolves and eliminates the toxins and rejuvenates the body. It is employed in treatment of various diseases like constipation, skin diseases etc.
  6. Food Therapy : Most of the disease are amenable through food therapy. Your food is your medicine.
  7. Massage Therapy : Massage is generally employed for tonic, stimulant and sedative effects. It is an effective substitute for exercise.
  8. Acupressure : This is applying pressure at different points on hands, feet & body which are associated with different organ which will influence for getting rid of their ailments.
  9. Magneto Therapy : Magnets influence health. South and North poles of different powers and shapes are employed in treatment, by applying directly on different parts of the body or through charged up water or oil.
  10. Chromo Therapy : Sun rays have seven colours – violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These colours are employed through irradiation or body or by administering charged water, oil and pills for treatment.

Yoga & Naturopathy Combination

Though Naturopathy has its own significance, for educational purposes & added more value to both these systems, they have been integrated. This practice in not common after education since jobs are mainly based on expertise than qualification. Many courses are available only in Naturopathy but popular are the combination of Naturopathy & Yoga. Hence learning only Naturopathy is not widely practiced, it’s comes along with Yoga.

Personality Requirements

  1. Basic skills of handling patients & taking care for their treatment.
  2. Good understanding of new developments in science & their applications.
  3. Self confidence, Self motivation & willingness to work hard.
  4. Good communication & Interpersonal skills to handle patients.
  5. Knowledge of a foreign language (For Eg : German) will be an added advantage
  6. if you wish to work abroad since naturopathy is famous worldwide.

Naturopathic Medicine Courses offered

  • DNYS (Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences)
    Duration : 3 to 4 years plus 1 year Internship.
  • B.N.Y.S (Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences)
    Duration : Main Course- 51/2 years or 6 years including Internship.
    Eligiblity : Pass (atleast 45%) in 12th std with Physics, Chemistry & Biology as optionals.

Online Courses

There are many private institutes in India & foreign which offer online courses in Naturopathy. Though these trainings give not much practical exposure due to web based curriculum, these degrees / certifications can add value to once qualification & job opportunities.

Indicative list of Naturopathy Colleges.

  1. National Institute of Naturopathy, 6, Tadiwala Road, PUNE – 411001.
  2. Institute of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Tumkur Road, Jindal Nagar, Bangalore – 073.
  3. Indian College of Naturopathy, Shriji Chambers, Pethe High School, Nasik – 422001.
  4. Kasturba Medical College, Manipal – 576119.
  5. All India Institute of Yoga and Health, Clo Dr. K. V.Panse, 45, 1467, Nehru Nagar, Kuria (E), Mumbai – 400024.
  6. Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500001.
  7. National Institute of Aerobics, 95/K, Rhatau Mansion, Omar Park, Bhulabhai Desai Marg, Mumbai – 400026.
  8. All India Nature Cure Federation, 15, Rajghat Colony, New Delhi – 110002.

Naturopathic Medicine Job prospects

A successful Naturopath can find good openings as 

  1. A good & able naturopath can be a consultant or instructor in hospitals, Institutes, Spa’s, healing centers, etc.
  2. Private practice & classes in fitness.
  3. A combination of Naturopathy with other alternative systems of medicine like Homeopathy can get more patients for a Naturopath.
  4. Opportunities in Teaching, Research & Development also exist.
  5. ……..and many more which can explored every day.

Originally Written by Mr. Ameen-E-Mudassar for the Milli Gazette, Dated On 16 April 2006.